
笔记 : Mastering Regular Expressions

见:Mastering Regular Expressions-1.4. Egrep Metacharacters
Don't confuse alternation with a character class. The class [abc] and the alternation (a|b|c) effectively mean the same thing, but the similarity in this example does not extend to the general case. A character class can match exactly one character, and that's true no matter how long or short the specified list of acceptable characters might be.
Alternation, on the other hand, can have arbitrarily long alternatives, each textually unrelated to the other: \<(1,000,000|million|thousand•thou)\>. However, alternation can't be negated like a character class.
character class每次是匹配集合中的任意"一个"字符,而且可以加^表示该集合的补集。在这边是[abc]。
见: Mastering Regular Expressions- A few more lookahead examples
Table 2-1. Approaches to the "Jeffs" Problem
Solution Comments
s/\bJeffs\b/Jeff's/g The simplest, most straightforward, and efficient solution; the one I'd use if I weren't trying to show other interesting ways to approach the same problem. Without lookaround, the regex "consumes" the entire 'Jeffs'.
s/\b(Jeff)(s)\b/$1'$2/g Complex without benefit. Still consumes entire'Jeffs'.
s/\bJeff(?=s\b)/Jeff'/g Doesn't actually consume the 's', but this not of much practical value here except to illustrate lookahead.
s/(?<=\bJeff)(?=s\b)/'/g This regex doesn't actually "consume" any text. It uses both lookahead and lookbehind to match positions of interest, at which an apostrophe is inserted. Very useful to illustrate lookaround.
s/(?=s\b)(?<=\bJeff)/'/g This is exactly the same as the one above, but the two lookaround tests are reversed. Because the tests don't consume text, the order in which they're applied makes no difference to whether there's a match.
来源:Section 3.5. Common Metacharacters and Features
\G上次匹配末端,见3.5.3.3. Start of match (or end of previous match): \G
向后匹配时只能是定长的字符串:The most restrictive rule exists in Perl and Python, where the lookbehind can match only fixed-length strings. For example, (?\w) and (?this|that) are allowed, but (?books?) and (?<^\w+:) are not, as they can match a variable amount of text.
自动转换变量包含的转义字符,见3.5.4.4. Literal-text span: \Q⋯\E
First introduced with Perl, the special sequence \Q⋯\E turns off all regex metacharacters between them, except for \E itself. (If the \E is omitted, they are turned off until the end of the regex.) It allows what would otherwise be taken as normal metacharacters to be treated as literal text. This is especially useful when including the contents of a variable while building a regular expression.
For example, to respond to a web search, you might accept what the user types as $query, and search for it with m/$query/i. As it is, this would certainly have unexpected results if $query were to contain, say, 'C:\WINDOWS\', which results in a run-time error because the search term contains something that isn't a valid regular expression (the trailing lone backslash).
\Q⋯\E avoids the problem. With the Perl code m/\Q$query\E/i, a $query of 'C:\WINDOWS\' becomes' C\:\\WINDOWS\\', resulting in a search that finds the original 'C:\WINDOWS\' as the user expects.

见:4.5.3. Using Lazy Quantifiers
<B> # Match the opening <B>
( # Now, as many of the following as possible ...
(?! < /?B> ) # If not <B>, and not </B> ...
. # ... any character is okay
)* # (now greedy)
</B> # <ANNO> ... until the closing delimiter can match.
贪婪匹配 Being too greedy
比如说 ^.*([0-9][0-9]) 来匹配这个字符串 'about•24•characters•long'
4.3. Regex-Directed Versus Text-Directed

